DOAK™ Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 46



Reported by Kerry Wheeler DOAK Magazine


Original Image by The Skirt Collective Artwork by OnPath TM Graphics
Almost every country in the world is affected by human trafficking , whether as a country of origin , transit , or destination for victims .
As of 2012 , the UNODC estimates there are 20.9 million victims of human trafficking worldwide and 1.5 million victims are in the United States .
Generating $ 32-billion-a-year , human trafficking is on the rise and is in all 50 states in America ( U . S . Government ). In 2012 , the UNODC reported the percentage of child victims has risen in a 3-year span from 20 percent to 27 percent . Of every three child victims , two are girls and one is a boy .
In a 2014 report , the Urban Institute estimated the underground sex economy ranged from $ 39.9 million in Denver , Colorado , to $ 290 million in Atlanta , Georgia . The average age of a girl to enter the commercial sex trade is 12-14 years of age , and for boys , it ' s 11-13 ( DHS ). Seventy-six percent of transactions for sex with underage girls are conducted via the internet ( NCMEC ). The average victim may be forced to have sex 25-48 times a day , giving traffickers the ability to make $ 150,000 to $ 200,000 per child each year ( DHS ).
The average life span of a victim is reported to be 7 years , whether found dead from attack and abuse , HIV and other STD ' s , malnutrition , overdose , or suicide .
Domestic Minor Trafficking Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking ( DMST ) is a form of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children ( CSEC ) here in the United States . As defined in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act , DMST is the " recruitment , harboring , transportation , provision , or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act " where the victim is a U . S . citizen or lawful permanent resident under the age of 18 .