DOAK™ Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 41

Mental Disorders



Mental Health Conditions A mental illness is a condition that affects a person ' s thinking , feeling or mood . Such conditions may affect someone ' s ability to relate to others and function each day ( NAMI ).
A mental health condition isn ’ t the result of one event . Research suggests multiple , linking causes . Genetics , environment and lifestyle influence whether someone develops a mental health condition . A stressful job or home life makes some people more susceptible , as do traumatic life events like being the victim of a crime . Biochemical processes and circuits and basic brain structure may play a role , too ( NAMI ).
Here is a list of some mental health conditions :
• Major Depression A brain disorder characterized by persistent depressed mood or loss of interest in activities , causing significant impairment in daily life .
• Anxiety Disorder A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry , anxiety , or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one ' s daily activities .
• Bipolar Disorder A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs and affects a person ' s ability to think clearly .
• Schizophrenia A disorder that causes people to lose touch with reality , often in the form of hallucinations , delusions and extremely disordered thinking and behavior .
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Causes repetitive , unwanted , intrusive thoughts ( obsessions ) and irrational , excessive urges to do certain actions ( compulsions ).
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder A disorder characterized by failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event such as military combat , assault , an accident or natural disaster .
• Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder A developmental disorder where there are significant problems with attention , hyperactivity , or acting impulsively .
• Autism An Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD ) is a developmental disorder that makes it difficult to socialize and communicate with others .
Recovery and Wellness
One in 5 adults experiences a mental health condition every year . One in 17 lives with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder . In addition to a person directly experiencing a mental illness , family , friends and communities are also affected .
Half of mental health conditions begin by age 14 , and 75 % of mental health conditions develop by age 24 . The normal personality and behavior changes of adolescence may mimic or mask symptoms of a mental health condition . Early engagement and support are crucial to improving outcomes and increasing the promise of recovery .
Never self-diagnose your symptoms . Seek a doctor or your health care provide for medical advice .
Sources : NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness www . nami . org / Learn-More / Mental-Health-Conditions


ISSUE 04 | WINTER 2017