do not disturb Vol. 1 Issue 2. March 2017 | Page 8

called the treadmill of life , quick inflate that life raft — rats jump The ship is sinking fast
This race , you ' ll never win against violence and deceit Police are here to protect you and serve , like Homeland security
is for your own good , safety Nobody escapes , these secret eyes-spy away your privacy
rights , and oh no , big-brother wins again , but the children of fools can ' t help themselves
And it ' s not your fault , you were never meant to know what lies will come — too late to save you
It ' s all about the economic stimulus plan Stan , no doubt the 1 % will get theirs first , and last
All you ever knew was fear and fever ’ s in the air . All ' s fair in ( no ) love ( more ) war There ' s no gain w / o pain
And suffering : Can you feel it ? Cut it with a knife ? Shoot first ? You can run , but you can ' t hide
Forever — is yesterday , today and tomorrow — 2,000 years from now a new documentary