do not disturb Vol. 1 Issue 2. March 2017 | Page 14

5 lessons ( I wish ) I learned from watching Oprah ...

When people show you who they are , believe them If a person says to you , I ' m selfish , I ' m mean I am unkind … believe them They know themselves much better than you do
When you see crazy coming , cross the street Most of us have a death urge . We see the guy coming , warning slapped right in the middle of his head . And we said , Oh , I ' m going to fix him . I ' m going to change it . I ' m going to reshape it . Love doesn ' t have to fix , change you
If what you ' re doing is not working , you have to change it I ' m just a strong believer in life law # 2 : You create your own experience . I really believe that . And the point is , if what you ' re doing is not working , you have to change it . You . And everybody will say , Well , I don ' t want to be somebody I ' m not I don ' t want to stop being who I am . Well , you know what ? If who you are is not working , you ' ll find that you have a broad range of who you are