DNH especially welcomes volunteers with disabilities and we will do our best to make adjustments to their needs. We need volunteers able to translate and interpret so that we can meet the needs of all communities in Hounslow. We also want to meet people who can provide music, dance or crafts. Disability Community Forum 3 Mar 2014 6:30 pm at the civlc Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow The Disability Community Forum (DCF) seeks to ensure the full involvement, inclusion and participation of all people, including people with disabilities by raising awareness of disability related issues and concerns, promoting the development of policies, strategies and ways of working that show best practice in the inclusion of the requirements of all people, and including disabled people, in the work of statutory, community and voluntary organisations with the London Borough of Hounslow. Anyone can raise issues affecting Hounslow residents with disabilities. There is a BSL interpreter at every DCF meeting. DNH Hounslow Home Buddies ‘Hounslow Home Buddies’ aim to bring support of various kinds to isolated disabled people who are housebound or feel too vulnerable to venture outside to seek help. This project has been set up so that the most isolated disabled people in Hounslow will have access to services and ways to redress grievances and the independence, confidence and ability to control their affairs and participate in wider society will be enhanced. The service is available both by appointment at DNH and in the homes of our clients. The project is delivering expert legal advice and support into the home of isolated disabled people including benefits, health and housing. If you wish to contact this service, please call the DNH phone number on 020 8577 0956. If necessary, leave a message and someone will return your call and, if appropriate, arrange to see you in the office or at your home. Volunteers for Home Buddies: contact Miriam Dubois [email protected] Please tell your friends and neighbours about the service, especially if they are housebound. We want to reach out to as many disabled people as possible. 5