New Year message from John Seear My very best wishes to you all for a very Happy New Year. There remain many serious challenges for disabled people in the months and years ahead and DNH is committed to fighting injustice and trying to assist disabled people in all aspects of their lives. Ashi Dhillon is our main advocacy worker and she has had considerable successes in helping clients with housing issues, claims for benefit entitlement and challenging unjust decisions. Since May, she has been ably assisted by our Home Buddies service workers Miriam, Mariam and Irfan. We are now able to assist more clients with more diverse cases and to carry out home visits. Miriam continues to do amazing work with the deaf community and Ashi is very active as our caseworker with the Hounslow Hate Crime Support Service. I urge you all to look in the newsletter at the various events that DNH will be hosting. I would ask you to consider whether you would like to get involved in any of these activities. What about learning to use a computer from scratch? Times are not easy for any charity but I will continue to try to keep DNH on a stable financial footing and to promote services for the benefit of all disabled people. I continue to be involved in many forums and working groups with the aim of promoting DNH and the wider disabled community. John Seear CEO Disability Network Hounslow [email protected] We send our best wishes to Daphne Rathbone-Pratt, a former Chair of DNH, active life member and volunteer who has been in hospital but is gradually recovering and to her husband, Marlowe.