Welcome to Language Day
By Col. William T. Bare
On behalf of all the students,
faculty and staff of the Defense
Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC), I am
delighted to welcome you all to
Language Day 2010, our annual
open house!
Language Day is our opportunity to share with you the secret
we have all discovered: knowing
a foreign language opens windows to the world. Language Day
is filled with cultural displays and
colorful stage shows designed to
give you a glimpse of that world
and of countries where some of
the 24 languages we teach are
spoken. It will give you the chance
to hear languages you may have
never known about before and to
participate in teaching demonstrations that bring new techniques
and technology into the language
learning process.
on here at DLIFLC. You will also
see why we are passionate about
sharing our secret!
One of the most demanding schools in the United States
Armed Forces, DLIFLC is also the
premier language learning institution in the world. The courses of
instruction are intense. Students
are in class five days a week, six
hours a day learning one of the 24
languages currently taught here
on the Presidio of Monterey.
Our basic courses vary from
six months in length (for French,
Spanish, Portuguese and Italian)
to 18 months (for Arabic, Chinese,
Korean and Japanese). At the end
of that time, our graduates get to
a higher level of language proficiency than most college language
majors attain in four years. In addition, our students earn 45 semester
hours of college credit and can obOrganized and presented by
tain an Associate of Arts degree in
our students, who come from
their foreign language upon comevery branch of the U.S. Armed
pletion of all requirements. AccredForces - Army, Marines, Navy,
ited by the Western Association of
and Air Force - and our teachers, Schools and Colleges, Accrediting
who come from every corner of
Commission for Community and
the earth, Language Day promises Junior Colleges and authorized as
to be an exciting chance to enjoy a federal degree-granting institusights, sounds and tastes from
tion by the U.S. Congress, DLIFLC
around the globe, and to discover has awarded more than 5,000 AA
some of the terrific things going
degrees since 2002.
Col. William T. Bare
Assistant Commandant
I know you will enjoy Language
Day 2010! I urge you to talk with
our students and faculty as you
roam around our campus and
through our corridors. They are
eager to meet you and share with
you their experiences, insights and
their passion for learning languages. This is one secret we want to
pass on!
Col. William T. Bare
Assistant Commandant