DLIFLC Globe Fall 2010 | Page 20

DLIFLC graduates Iraqi Basic Course students By Brian Lamar, Strategic Communications PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY, Calif. – On June on through the Defense Language Proficiency Test 5 24th, 19 students graduated from the Iraqi language in MSA. program during a graduation ceremony at the historic “The design and development of this course was a Post Theater. collaborative effort among DLIFLC’s primary user In order to meet the demands of the Services NSA, the three Arabic Schools, and CD,” said Associand shorten the training pipeline for students, who ate Provost for Language Science and Technology, Dr. normally go to follow-on training in a dialect after Christine Campbell. studying Modern Standard “...The teachers were really Arabic (MSA), the Degreat and adapted the new curricu“…there is a lot of subject matter fense Language Institute lum to our needs as we went. This Foreign Language Center like sports and politics in Iraq that you was an experimental course and have to learn in English before you can they made up the holes in the new piloted three Iraqi dialect courses in 2009. comprehend them in Arabic. I learned a curriculum with their creativity “The teachers were and inventiveness,” said Wyatt. lot more than just Arabic.” very demanding. There is The secret of Wyatt’s success is – Seaman Abigail Wyatt, Iraqi course honor graduate. a simple recipe of hard work and a a lot of subject matter like sports and politics in Iraq “can do” attitude. For future classes that you have to learn in English before you can com- that go through the same hectic-paced language proprehend them in Arabic. I learned a lot more than just gram, Wyatt says students need to stay positive. Arabic,” said Seaman Abigail Wyatt, the Iraqi course “Maintaining a positive attitude is the best thing honor graduate. that you can do for yourself in this class no matter To teach the new course, DLIFLC’s Curriculum how you are doing academically,” said Wyatt, who set a Development Division (CD) was faced with designhigh standard for subsequent classes by scoring a 3 in ing, within a very short time-frame, an entirely new both MSA and Iraqi dialect listening comprehension, 64-week program. MSA was introduced incrementally, and 2+ for reading in MSA and a 2 on the Iraqi dialect at a slower, but steady pace throughout the course, to speaking test. reinforce reading skills which students would be tested Seaman Abigail Wyatt receives the Commandant’s Award from DLIFLC Commandant Col. Danial D. Pick. 18