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From the Top
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DLIFLC welcomes new commandant!
Page 4
USD P&R says DLIFLC should be Center of
Page 6
Motivating airmen: Presidio airmen get
first look at Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaisance operations.
Page 7
Hebrew department pulls 2010 Allen Griffin
DLIFLC dean of Field Support, Steve
Collins, congratulates Fort Drum N.Y.,
graduates of the Af-Pak General Purpose
Force Dari language program on July 23.
Page 9
Chief of Staff of the Army visits DLIFLC
Page 10
New programs prepare troops, civilians, for
language and culture found in Afghanistan,
Page 11
Af-Pak Hands –
a personal account from the field
Page 13
Soldiers graduate from Afghan language,
culture program
Col. Danial D. Pick
Command Sergeant Major
Tracey L. Ballotte
Clare A. Bugary
Natela Cutter
Deacon Westervelt
Photo Credits
Natela Cutter, Brian Lamar, Dusan
Tatomirovic, Deacon Westervelt,
and Hiro Chang
For editorial comments or suggestions
please write to [email protected]
Page 14
Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division speak
Page 15
Training focuses on dialects
DLIFLC wins TRADOC Distance Learning
Maverick Award
Page 16
Af-Pak Hands begin immersion training
Page 18
DLIFLC graduates Iraqi Basic Course
Page 19
MLI of the Quarter Award
DLIFLC holds successful Langauge Day event
U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Gen. George
Casey Jr., observes a Persian Farsi
class at DLIFLC June 23. Casey says
servicemembers need to be culturally
astute to accomplish their mission, which
includes language studies.
Page 20
Ukrainian delegation puts DLIFLC Russian
students to the test
Page 21
Danish army students attend DLIFLC for
Dari language training
DLIFLC to roll out Very Low Range tests
for servicemembers
Page 22
Command Language Program of the Year
Page 23
Defense Threat Reduction Agency Airman
named Language Professional of the Year
Page 24
DLIFLC learns from Umbrella Weeks
Page 25
DLIFLC hosts 6th Annual Chinese
LEARN Conference
The GLOBE is an authorized publication under the provisions of AR 360-1 and the Associated Press Style Guide for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the GLOBE are not
necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or DLIFLC. It is published quarterly by the Strategic Communications Office,
DLIFLC, Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006, phone (831) 242-6015 or facsimile (831) 242-4630 (DSN 768). The GLOBE has a circulation of 3,000 and is printed by offset press. The Commandant, Editor-in-Chief and Editor reserve the right to edit materials as necessary to conform to GLOBE editorial policies. All photos, unless otherwise credited, are Department of Defense photos.
Vol. 33, No. 3, Summer/Fall 2010