DLF kings court- A Perspicuous Piece of Real Estate May 2014 | Page 2

The design and the landscape consultant of this property is the Hafeez contractor, one of the leading names of real estate design in India. The construction of the property is u undertaken by TRA private limited. In fact The Kings Court can be truly called as the iconic property as far as the real estate in India is concerned. This esteemed real estate piece is located in the heart of Delhi namely the Greater Kailash pronounced generally as GK. It is in the W block and one can call this property as truly exclusive and definitely for the elite. There are homes in offer but these are less but at the same time, the demand for this property is very high both because of its location and design. This property can be termed as the best and is probably or the few. It is not necessary that everyone who has money can purchase it although the rich man can. Just as every rich man cannot purchase a Rolls Royce despite how much money he possesses, same is the case with such a masterpiece real estate in one of the posh areas of New Delhi. DLF Kings Court GK2 comes with some exclusive features and one of them is that it is a completely freehold property that is approved and the owner is definitely one hundred percent risk free after the purchase. The second important feature associated with the property is that there is a three tier system associated with it. There is also a full power back up and there are fabulous and elaborate entrance lobbies. The residents have the benefit of parking slots. There is also a marked parking on the surface for the visitors. The apartments are centrally air conditioned and one can find the town houses if the area between five thousand square feet to seven thousand square feet. The apartments are also equipped with the elevators that run on the high speed and there is facility for the elevators in the town houses also. One can find the integrated complex meaning the town houses and the apartments are separated by the greens and surrounded by gardens. One can find the modular kitchen that includes the utensils and also the modular wardrobes. The person who wants to purchase this property can get the bank loan [construction LPP] Source: http://goarticles.com/article/DLF-Kings-Court-A-Distinct-Piece-of-Real-Estate/8895145/