Busy busy, same old, we're all busy! So I've had a busy one as usual and as some of you may know I'm planning a few new things amongst the normal video overviews for specific modules all to surface in the coming months. As Modular Meets I've held another synth meet that took part in Electric Spring Festival at Huddersfield University here in England, it was a great day with great people as always and lots of equipment. And finally for this month I've had more Skype lessons / sessions looking at tutorial, technique, specific modules and / or getting started with Eurorack. They've had great feedback so far so get in touch if you're interested, just bear in my mind my time is limited. All the best until next month and remember everything underlined is a link so click away!
As usual the module of the month is a
module that's had a lot of use regardless
of if it's the new hottest super hyped
module or an old forgotten favourite. This
month I wanted to share the Defibrillator
from Medic Modules. It's MS20 style filters
a two input mixer and a VCA. All of which
saturate and just add so much character to
the sound. Stereo low pass, or high pass
into low pass all through the VCA or not
works well with plenty of routing options
and switching for the signal path. It simply sounds fantastic. Before someone else says it … yes it's big … but so is the sound, which is well worth the space it takes up. There’s also a non blood spatter plain white panel for those that aren’t into the graphics. Videos from me for this one later in the year.
As with each issue I like to share a few things that aren't totally modular related and just 'things from around the web'. The first thing is however related and it's a post and video from BBC News titled "'Founding father' of electronica in concert". The BBC caught up with Morton Subotnick at his show at the American University Museum in Washington. Click HERE to head to the site and check out the video.
Next up is Sonic State's visit to St George's Hall in Bristol for a concert celebrating the music of Barry Gray. Barry is responsible for music for Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlett and many more. The music is performed by the Charles Hazlewood's All Star Collective with
special guests Jarvis Cocker and Adrian Utley.
There's an appearance from an Ondes Martenot
and the Swarmatron and plenty of other great gear,
players and history to get your teach into. Click
HERE to watch the video of check out the video
embedded in the magazine to the right.