divingEurope – Special Edition CAP DE CREUS / ENGLISH | Page 28
divingEurope 2020
Annoying roommates around the mouth of a moonfish are the copepods
le the equipment behind an old fisherman‘s
house and a little further on the big diving
spot is already waiting for you. During the trip
we listen to the briefing and after 15 minutes
we moor at Cap Norfeu at one of the buoys,
more exactly at Punta de Mero.
Nomen est Omen and a dozen groupers and
an armada of barracudas are the hits. Around
the deeper gorgonian rock there are a lot of
other gill owners and seasonally even moon
fish appear. Tofay we experience a comple-
tely new spectacle for us. Young shoals of
sardines move to the coast and drive pre-
datory fish like barracudas crazy: Sardine
Run mediterráneo! Unfortunately, the three
remaining professional fishermen - they have
nothing to do with the Rosas trawl fleet - take
advantage of this and set up „traditional“ nets
where they are allowed to do so. This hap-
pens even in the bay of Cala Joncols, one
almost could say at the house reef. I saw this
and really: it‘s not comprehensible. „Some
rules should have been changed long ago by
the authorities. They know it, but they keep
postponing it“, Jan Boelen tells us.
The first Land and Marine Park in Spain was
founded in 1998. It covers 14 hectares, of
which about eleven are on land and three in
the sea. The marine area is divided into Park
Natural, Reserva Natural and the Reserva