diving7seas – Special Edition REETHI FARU / ENGLISH | Page 21

hours in the old days . Today , anyone travelling light can board a seaplane and reach the Reethi-Faru resort after a short 45-minute hop . For travellers bringing their own diving equipment and maybe extensive camera equipment we recommend the 30-minute inland flight to the island of Dharavadhoo . The resort ’ s own speedboat waits there for arriving passengers . After about 40 minutes , divers reach their final destination .
The beautiful thing about newly developed diving areas is that they are still quite natural . In the Maldives they are usually kept that way . The reason for this is not only the sheer dimension of the Maldives but also the rather limited number of diving cruise ships . It is therefore unlikely that the diving spots offered by new diving resorts would end up being overcrowded .
This surely applies to Filaidhoo and the Swiss diving school Sea Explorer . The school belongs to Maldives pioneer Robert Schneider and his companion Patrick Spitz . Schneider had founded his first diving base in the legendary archipelago as early as in the 70s . “ Before we made our home on Filaidhoo ” says Robert , “ we first had a look at the surrounding diving area , not only the domestic reef but any spots that could be of interest . Now we can offer our customers a selection of about 40 spots plus a few stretches of the local reef which can be accessed from all around .” Hence , variety is