Diving for Life, DFL 2011 Cozumel Mexico Diving Jamboree Volume 1 | Page 12

DIVE MASTERS I had 12 dives on my record prior to this trip from the Caribbean trip last May . Santa Rosa Wall , one of the 12 dive spots here in Cozumel , is one of my favorites ! with the canyons , the corals , AND the strong current . At 90 ft . deep , I had no problem navigating through the canyons ! I ’ d wander o ", and then looked for the yellow fins ! and swim towards them to get closer to my dive buddy Carl . The wall is quiet distracting yet spectacular , and the current a bit challenging . I learned something that I will never forget to this day . “ I better master my buoyancy control , or I get punished !” ! it ’ s a joke now , but let me tell you what happened ... $ Left : Photo by Mark Hilton %
Navigating from 90 to 50 ft ., I attempted to release air from my BCD , but to no avail . I kept ascending uncontrollably ! faster & sooner than I wanted to . I dove down with flippers above me ! and that didn ’ t work . My dive buddy Carl knew what I was doing , but it was too late , I kept ascending to the surface . Carl tried to pull me down , and the boat dive master , Pedro tried to pull me up so I could release more air . I felt like a propeller being flipped up and down by the two dive masters ! It happened so fast , the next thing I knew , my air got knocked out of my mouth , and then it registered , “ I can ’ t breath !” but still not panicking , I simply looked for my regulator , grabbed it , and put it back in my mouth to breathe . Both dive masters , as soon as they realized I was OK , went back down to finish the dive while I remained on the surface ! a great perspective to see my dive buddies enjoying the sea bottom . Diving is a non ! solo sport . Your dive buddy is there to make sure you ’ re OK , and that you make it to the surface alive and well ! The last dive , I looked up and saw another incident ! a diver was sharing his air to one who needed it . Nothing serious , but it was a sight to see ! a dive buddy committed to another ’ s safety and well ! being !