Divine Purpose Magazine Issue 002 | Page 11

prayer is our highest privilege . The diffculties to be overcome in it bring us our richest blessings . In importunity , there are various elements of these ; the chief are perseverance , determination and intensity . It begins with the refusal to at once accept a denial . It grows to the determination to persevere , to spare no time or trouble , till an answer comes . It rises to the intensity in which the whole being is given to God in supplication , and the boldness comes to lay hold of God ' s strength . At one point , it is quiet and restful ; at another passionate and bold . Now it takes time and is patient ; and then again , it claims at once what it desires . In whatever different shape , it always means and knows – God hears prayer : I must be heard .
Think of Abraham , as he pleads for Sodom . Time after time he renews his prayer until the sixth time he has to say , ' Let not my Lord be angry .' He does not cease until he has learnt to know God ' s condescension in each time consenting to his petition , until he has learnt how far he can go – has entered into
God ' s mind , and now rests in God ' s will . And for his sake Lot was saved ; “ God remembered Abraham , and delivered Lot out of the midst of the overthrow ." And shall not we , who have redemption and promises for the heathen which Abraham never knew , begin to plead more with God on their behalf ?
From the two parables , it ' s quite clear that God holds himself back , and seeks to get away from us , until what is of flesh and self and sloth in us is overcome , and we so prevail with Him that He can and must bless us . Why is it that so many of us have no desire for this honor – being princes of God , strivers with God , and prevailing ? What our Lord taught us , ' what things soever you desire , believe that you have received ,' is nothing but His putting of Jacob ' s words , ' I will not let thee go except thou bless me .' This is the importunity He teaches , and we must learn to claim and take the blessing .
Adapted from Andrew Murray ' s book : " The Ministry of Intercession "
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer ; My God , my strength , in whom I will trust ; My shield and the horn of my salvation , my stronghold . I will call upon the Lord , who is worthy to be praised ; So shall I be saved from my enemies ~ Psalms 18:2 – 3 NKJV