Divine Nutrition SA Issue 01 November 2013 | Page 7

When the word 'hormone' is said, one instantly visions an old craggy, moody woman inundadted with hot flashes. This is a typical 'change of life', but added hormonal imbalances can edge on these symptoms so many women suffer with today.

As we learn more about our hormones we realize that it's not only women who suffer from hormonal imbalances. We all do, and only when one becomes aware, do they realise how out of sync they are with their hormones.

There are so many factors, in our every day lives, that have an enormous effect

onthe delicate

balance of our hormones. From the food that we eat, to the tupperware our lunch is in. All of these have dramatic effects on our health and hormones.

Although some are pre-disposed to hormonal imbalances, alot of lifestyle habits also take a toll on our hormones. Inconsistent sleep patterns, lack of excercise, poor diet and stress can all be contributing factors.

Personal ailments and chronic disease medication can also effect your hormonal balance, not to metion perscribed medication containing hormones (eg: The Pill )


- Persistent Weight Gain

- Loss of Muscle Mass

- Belly Fat

- Fatigue

- Low Libido

- Anxiety

- Depression

- Irritability

- Insomnia

- Digestive problems

- Sweating

- Cravings


- Difficulty Passing Urine

- Impotence

- Prostate Inflammation

- Headaches / Migraines

- Mood swings / Depression

- Inability to lose weight

- Fatigue

- Low Libido

- Enlarged Prostate

- Erectile Dysfunction

- Low Blood Sugar

- Loss of Muscle Mass

What you can do to naturally balance your hormones:

1. Avoid High Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fats

2. Limit the Caffeine

3. Avoid Toxins


5. Supplement Wisely

6. Exercise Lightly

7. Lift Heavy Weights

8. Eat Some Coconut Oil

9. Fix Your Leptin

10. Eat Nutrient Dense Foods

11. Eat Plenty of Good Fats

12. Avoid Soy

13. Get Your Minerals On!