Divine Knights Clan Divine Knights Clan | Page 4

Starhawk continues the quality "hawk" tradition started in Warhawk. That means spectacular multiplayer matches filled with a variety of weapons and vehicles. But traditional weapons only go so far in the wars of tomorrow. In Starhawk, you can spend Rift Energy to call down supply pods from orbit which construct buildings right before your eyes. These buildings serve a wide range of purposes, from delivering much-needed supplies to walling off critical strategic points. With this addition to an already complex combat system, Starhawk evolves into an interesting blend of third-person shooting and real-time strategy (RTS).

And so, the sweet building of bases begins.

Something about construction provides a special sort of reward. In a shooter, nothing satisfies quite like returning to your base to resupply before heading back out into the fray. Just like coming home from a long day at school or work. In

Starhawk, the wonders of base-building await you. By spending Rift Energy, you can call down different structures on almost any flat, clear surface where they'll come to life within seconds of landing.