Divine Knights Clan Divine Knights Clan | Page 19

Wet is a style over substance third person shooter with a bunch of slow motion acrobatic gunplay.The game has some neat tricks, but it doesn't have enough of them so the stylish gimmicks that the game throws in here and there get old quickly.Wet is split between gunning down rooms full of dudes and some light platforming. The shooting is a little weird. While you can simply take aim and fire, you won't last very long playing that way. Instead, you have to jump around and perform acrobatic moves.while sliding on your knees, jumping, or running on a wall, the game automatically slows down. You become harder to hit and it becomes significantly easier to shoot or stab the bad guys. There's no limit to the slow mo, so the game starts looking really silly as you hop back and forth and slide all over the place.There are also a couple of sequences where you ride around on the tops of fast moving cars, which combine basic aiming and shooting with some occasional quick time events.the game runs with a thick layer of film grain over everything : the gameplay, the cutscenes, the menus, everything. The picture jumps a little bit, again, like an old movie,You can disable the film grain, but at that point, the game looks flat, plain, and even a little ugly in spots.It's certainly not all bad, but more variety combined with its razor sharp lead character could have resulted in a much stronger final product.

Written by: S1L3NC3