Divine Knights Clan Divine Knights Clan | Page 15

Aiming is fine though I had difficulties getting headshots but that is most likely do due me not having the best accuracy. Platforming can be a pain especially when you go for a long jump just to plummit to your deathbut it won't ruin your expirience. Enemies are way moreintelligent now and will actually find ways to surprise you with a bullet in your head from out of nowhere. The hand-to-hand combat is

Aside from campaign mode, Uncharted 3 offers online co-op which even includes an additional bonus story and totally revamped the online multiplayer mode. Now you can create a character and insignia to your liking but limits you in what you can do. For example, you can only create male characters which left me a little disappointed as I rather create women. The new features like kickbacks and moving set pieces may receive mix reactions but I find it refreshing and a welcome change. Expect to be frustrated because you are often matched with players who are far more skilled with better weapons, boosters, and kickbacks.

-The Breakdown-

Story: You're going to love every minute of it.

Graphics: Uncharted 3 has set the bar once more.

Gameplay: Addicting and pulse-pounding.

Sound: The best in the series and far ahead of the competition.

Online: Lots to do and plenty to play with.

Entertainment: As close as you can get to starring in a blockbuster action film.

-The Bottomline-

Uncharted 3 is without a doubt the best PS3 game of 2011 but has some serious competition for Game of The Year award. The story alone is better than most Hollywood blockbuster films and truly a unique experience for gamers. Naughty Dog has outdone themselves again with Uncharted 3 and I implore you to experience the world this talented development team has created exclusively for PS3. I felt Uncharted 2 was a masterpiece but Uncharted 3 far exceeds it in every way. Drake's Deception is indeed a masterpiece but is it perfect? Nothing is perfect and like every game ever created, it does have flaws but they're so minor that it doesn't ruin the amazing experience. Without a doubt, Uncharted 3 gets a 5/5 stars which is a first for me but I simply can't get enough of this game so grab a copy and join me!

amazing and you might find yourself using it more than guns but guns are still very effective. Puzzles are challenging and really get you thinking but not too difficult to halt you for months.