Diversity Magazine Southern Indiana June 2022 | Page 5

While it may be a tad on the kitschy side , very Live , Laugh , Love for some , that science seems to back the notion that speaking words of kindness has a measurable impact on growth and development . It is so easy to do just the opposite with those closest to us . I think about how common it is in my own family to show our love by roasting the ever loving crap out of one another . We stop short of momma jokes ( usually ) because if that ’ s his momma , she ’ s probably our aunt , but other than that , “ if I didn ’ t love you I wouldn ’ t give you such a hard time ” is all but the family motto . I understand that it comes from a place of love , albeit dysfunctional , we do have other options . We can fertilize our relationships , especially those within our communities who are already trying so hard to find love and acceptance these days , with kindness . There will certainly be some trial and error , but nothing pairs with kindness and love as much as grace .
While we ’ re adding tools to our toolbox , there seems to be absolutely no reason we can ’ t take the next step , support our people who have created opportunities for themselves . We can shop , hire , contract Black businesses . We can read Black authors . We can share from Black influencers . Take stock of the way you operate and intentionally patronize our people . I have heard stories from my aunt for as long as I can remember about a time when every service you needed , there was a Black business owner to fit the bill . I ’ m not going to go down the path as to why that changed for a solid generation , but minority owned and operated businesses are having a renaissance . While a quick Google search of Black owned businesses in your zip code is always a good place to start , websites like blackbusinessgreenbook . com and apps like Melanated Healthcare are also great resources .
We live in a wild world . From my perspective as a mid-thirties , Black mother of a young daughter , living in Indiana , the big picture is scary . I have a finite amount of control over big picture external things . I can vote . I can recycle . I can be kind . I can be mindful of my impact . In my home and my community however , the potential to mitigate the scary is limitless . I can choose kind words with my family . I can choose to support my individual communities and pour my own resources into those same communities . I can create opportunities and space to share my knowledge and skills for the betterment of my community . Those ripples will extend far beyond anything I ’ ll ever see in my own lifetime or my daughter in hers . You have the same power . The impact you can intentionally make on your community be it women , LGBTQIA +, students , those who are neuroodivergent , seniors , veterans , the SPMI community , I ’ m rooting for you , too .


And everybody Black .
2022 Diversity Magazine 5