Diversity and Inclusion Framework Diversity and Inclusion Framework | Page 22
Gender Equality
In recent decades, women in Australia have made significant strides towards equality
with men. At universities, in workplaces, in boardrooms and in government, a growing
number of women have taken on leadership roles, forging pathways for other women and
girls to follow. Despite this progress, women and girls continue to experience inequality
and discrimination in many important parts of their lives, which can limit the choices and
opportunities available to them. Studies still determine there is an unequal distribution of
household chores and caring roles dependent on gender and as a result women are more
impacted by Family / Work conflict.
Violence against women remains as prevalent as it was 20 years ago. An estimated 1.2
million women in Australia over the age of 15 have experienced domestic or family violence,
usually at the hands of a male partner. Almost two-thirds of women affected by domestic
and family violence are in some form of paid employment. Given that poverty – or fear
of poverty – is a major reason for victims and survivors remaining in violent or abusive
relationships, the support and security that a woman receives from an employer can often
make the difference. Addressing domestic and family violence as a workplace issue is an
important part of ensuring gender equality in the work place.
Interrelate seeks to promote gender equality and counter discrimination, sexual harassment,
violence against women and other barriers to gender equality.
Evaluate organisational culture towards
gender equity and address issues and
review policies and procedures as
required. Board has equal representation of
gender diversity.
Executive team has representation
of gender diversity. Workplace Gender diversity reporting
questionnaire completed and action
plans developed. Gender equality indicators
demonstrate gender equality
standards are being met. Flexible work and family-friendly
polices/practices are designed and
accessible to benefit all employees. Analysis of uptake of flexible work
arrangements, including parental
leave, by men and women. Ensure consistent, supportive, and
respectful approaches for the safety of
employees and their workplaces where
people are experiencing domestic and/
or family violence. Staff report awareness of Domestic
Violence Policy and procedure and
data shows evidence of it being
used by staff. Gender equality objectives are fully
embedded within business and people
polices and processes rather than
standing alone. Policies and Procedures reflect
Gender Equality objectives. ALL
The leadership team recognises the
need for gender equality action and
actively communicates its role in
driving progress. Attendance at conferences such as
‘Women in Leadership’.
Sector development in promoting
the leadership of women to
networks (e.g. Probono). Executive
Contribute to initiatives that highlight
Domestic and Family Violence
as a significant problem in our
Highlight social issue through social
media and media campaigns. Sites report activities that they
have initiated or participated in
that challenge domestic and family
violence. BDM’s /
Services are delivered in a range of
mediums and timeframes to make
them more accessible for both men
and women. Client feedback surveys / COMS
show satisfaction with access to
services. BDMs
Data Team