Diversity and Inclusion Framework Diversity and Inclusion Framework | Page 18
People with a Disability
Disability is not restricted to those members of the community who are currently
outside or on the fringes of the workforce. It is a normal part of the diversity
of the existing workforce for every employer, including Interrelate. We need to
consider that effective accommodation of disability has to be seen as part of
the expectations of managing our workforce. People with disabilities add to the
variety of viewpoints needed to be successful and bring effective solutions to
today’s professional challenges. The organisation and its work is made stronger
when all segments of the population are included in the workforce and in the
customer base. We need to understand the potential barriers and the facilitators
that affect participation and limit the opportunity for people with a disability to
engage in workplace activities.
Interrelate is committed to the attraction, recruitment and retention of people
with disability. Our focus will be to provide universal access, remove barriers
and learning and career advancement equality. We will implement a number of
strategies and policies to encourage job applications from people with disability,
and want to be seen as an employer of choice for people with disability.
Develop recruitment processes
to enable more candidates with
a disability to consider and join
Recruitment information will
include clear descriptions about
the inherent requirements of the
job so people with disability can
self-select. Recruitment information refers to diversity
and inclusion for people with an impairment.
People with disability can request workplace
modifications or reasonable adjustments to
assist in applying for positions, participate in
the recruitment process, and with their daily
Reasonable adjustments can be requested by
prospective staff including and not limited to:
• interpreters, readers, attendants or other
Tools are in place to remove
work-related assistance
barriers for people with disability • information and communication in
to apply and work in Interrelate.
accessible formats
• assistive technology such as screen reader
• adapted methods for testing, assessment
or selection
Percentage of staff with a disability employed.
Convene and support a staff
reference group including: staff
with disability, staff who care for
a person with disability, or staff
who have an interest in disability
inclusion and participation to
share ideas and engage and
inform us on initiatives and
strategies relevant to people
with disability or carers of people
with disability.
Offer reasonable adjustments
in working arrangements. E.g.
flexible working arrangements,
work place modifications and
technological assistance.
Reference group meets 6 times a year and
is attended by most members on a regular
Reasonable adjustments can be requested by
staff including and not limited to:
• interpreters, readers, attendants or other
work-related assistance
• information and communication in
accessible formats such as converting text
to audio, providing larger print versions
of documents, and provision of a talking
• assistive technology such as screen
reader JAWS, screen magnifier Zoomtext,
and speech to text application Dragon
Naturally Speaking
• additional workplace equipment or
• adjustments to work methods and
• adapted methods for testing, assessment
or selection
Training for staff, co-workers and supervisors
Work-plan developed in first 6 months.