Diventures Magazine | English Edition May 2020 | Page 30
When reaching the lowest level, there
was another surprise waiting for us.
Vasilis, Maria and Kyriaki, three of the
support members of the team, had
visited the mine a few weeks earlier to
evaluate the dry section. Upon reaching
the sump, the groundwater was at least
0.80-1.00 meter lower, revealing two
flooded chambers that were not visible
"You feel at awe when you are during their initial visit.
underwater like you go back in history Underwater the silt was so bad it hid the
and can almost see faint images of the entrance through the first chamber and
people who worked under such adverse the divers had to feel their way
conditions.", says Erikos. underwater in order to find the right
The team recall the hardships of the direction and push through. After 20
exploration attempt at Mine Gallery 80. meters visibility improved, and the
When work abruptly ceased by the end divers were able to push further inside
of 1970’s, the pumps were shut off and the mine. Along the way, percolation
the groundwater flooded the deeper was causing fairly large sized chunks of
levels of the mine tunnels. gravel and silt to pour down on them
The condition of the mine after the first from the roof above. This happened
500meters was very poor. throughout most of the dive.
MAY 2020