Diventures Magazine | English Edition May 2020 | Page 24

E-LEARNING Why E-LEARNING? videos that support the presented Clearly and significantly helps in raising material. its efficiency of individuals and scientific LMS Includes: societies; As it provides alternatives for System people who are not able to go to institution or organization: sets up educational settings, institutions for a Administrator, provides who is decisions, the and circumstance that prevents them from distributes powers. this time of course, as this method works Instructor: author and develop content to employ the capabilities of people and and tests, generate discussions. even develop them instead of wasting Student: to interact with the content, them and wasting time and using it in a answer all kinds of tests and the positive way. questions posed during the lecture. Distance Learning Features: You can use your phone or computer and flexibility at the time and the possibility of recording the lecture and listening at any time convenient to you and also the financial ability because it does not cost a lot of money. The E-Learning Has Two Axes Content: It includes electronic presentations of lessons using some programs such as power point supported by supporting activities that move the curriculum from the traditional presentation style to a more interactive style, and the use of some pictures and DIVENTURES MAGAZINE MAY 2020