Diventures Magazine | English Edition May 2020 | Page 20
Medical Opinion Dehydration leads to some degree of
Dr Adel Taher answered this question in haemo-concentration (in simple terms
Issue 7 of “Blue Magazine” in 2010, and thicker blood) as you are taking the fluid
he said: “From the medical point of view: from the circulating volume of blood.
We always impress on all divers to be This in turn affects the efficiency of the
well hydrated during dives especially if blood in acting as a vehicle to transport
they are diving in a sub tropical area with nitrogen from the tissues to the lungs.
a hot, dry climate such as ours. This is The factors that affect dehydration
particularly the case if they are in a mainly are; traveler's diarrhea, which
destination marked as a “resort” area. divers tend not to treat for the first three
The reasons for that are quite obvious if days or treat wrongly, alcohol intake the
you have a look at the statistical data night before, which is quite common in
gathered since 1993 at our facility (Sharm resorts and of course not drinking
el Sheik Hyperbaric Center). More than enough water.
60 per cent of diving accidents treated When fasting in winter, we gave the
were associated one way or another with advice to instructors and dive masters
an element of dehydration. who wanted to work and fast to try and
drink one and a half liters of water mixed
with electrolyte salts just before sunrise
and see how they feel throughout the
Dr Adel Taher
APRIL 2020