Diventures Magazine English Edition December 2020 | Page 24




The difference between DCI and DCS Decompression sickness , or DCI , is a term used to describe disease caused by a decrease in the surrounding pressure . A good example of this happens to your body when you surf up after a dive . DCI includes two diseases , DCS and AGE . DCS is caused by the growth of bubbles in the tissues and causing local damage , while AGE results from entering the bubbles into the blood circulation in the lung , moving through the arteries and causing tissue damage by blocking the flow of blood at the level of small blood vessels . Dolphins and the DCI Researchers at the Oceanographic Foundation in Valencia , Spain , have reevaluated the idea that only human divers are at risk of contracting DCI . Comparative physiologist Andreas Fhalman and his team trained captive bottle-nosed dolphins to take long or short dives as required , and used an ECG to measure their heart rate adjustments . To prepare for a longer dive , the dolphins lowered the rate further and faster than the dive for a shorter period . They will empty a portion of their lungs to direct the flow of air or blood to the areas under pressure , effectively keeping more oxygen and limiting nitrogen intake . Fhalman believes that an action is not a reaction but an action that dolphins have consciously learned . " Basically they can get on and off the throttle when they want to ," he said . The concern is that this control mechanism could be negatively affected by the stress of sonar signals or industrial noise underwater .
study has been published in Frontiers in Physiology Diventures Magazine December 2020