Diventures Magazine English Edition December 2020 | Page 20




As is known , the density of water is higher than the density of air , and it absorbs light waves gradually according to its energy , starting with the red spectrum and ending with the violet spectrum . Thus , the red spectrum completely disappears after a depth of 3 meters , followed by the orange spectrum with a depth of 10 meters , then the yellow at a depth of 30 meters , then the green at a depth of 40 meters , and so on until we reach the complete darkness at a depth of approximately 300 meters .
The same rule applies to flashlight , replacing the depth with the distance between the light and the subject
Therefore , the use of flash lights or LED is essential in underwater photography even when the depth of the LED is not large , and it is necessary to show natural colors . In addition , a large part of the sun ’ s rays , which are one of the strongest sources of light usually reflected on the surface of the water , and this part of the reflection increases as the sun is tilted at a greater angle , and the strength and brightness of the sun ’ s rays diminish quickly within a few meters in the water . And just like in low-light conditions , colors appear dim and contrast becomes poor , in addition to supporting brightness using flash lights
Diventures Magazine December 2020