Gree�ngs Kings of Valor and Queens of Virtue !
I speak blessings of life , abundance and increase into your spirits In The Name of Jesus ! Li� up your heads O you gates and be li�ed up you everlas�ng doors and the King of Glory SHALL come in ! Psalm 24:9 .
Oh , I know the last few years have been challenging for many of us as we have weathered the storm of a crippled - yet recovering - economy and seek to walk in the peace and joy of our salva�on regardless of what we see .
Some of us lost jobs and homes , cars were repossessed , family members ba�led illnesses , God called some loved ones Home to be with Him , marriages were hit by financial and fidelity issues and the list goes on and on … BUT GOD !
As we celebrate yet another Holiday Season this year I challenge you to embrace all of the beauty in life . Too o�en we focus on what ’ s going wrong and we don ’ t celebrate what is being KEPT together by GOD Himself and even prospering … if only we would take the �me to center our minds and hearts on how marvelous , loving , understanding , forgiving and merciful God is to us in the midst of it all . Jesus assured us that there would be trouble , but He also encouraged us not to fret because He has overcome the world ! OH HALLELUJAH !
This Holiday Season I challenge all of the Saints of God to WALK in JOY , PEACE and LOVE NO MATTER WHAT ! We have the power of Christ Jesus Himself inside of
It ’ s a Wonderful Life …
By Najiyyah Brooks , CEO / Founding Publisher / Editorial Director
us . We have the power to change the atmosphere and the CHOICE to be free even when all the natural eye can see is pain and bondage . No money this year for gi�s ? That ’ s okay … now maybe we can focus on the real meaning for the season ; The Birth of Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus ! Get together with the family star�ng with Thanksgiving and just love on each other … play games , watch movies , cook a nice meal , combine resources , have family sleep-overs , and any other fun and beau�ful fes�ve ac�vity that you can do without an overflow of cash . Furthermore , I challenge you even if you DO have an overflow of money to focus on these cost effec�ve and God centering ac�vi�es and show the li�le ones what Christ looks like here in the earth . LOVE , PEACE , JOY is the very character of Christ … He made Himself who was rich to become poor and dwell among us !
This Holiday issue of The DIVA Zone™ Magazine focuses on the simple things that make our lives and our holidays beau�ful ; things that money cannot buy like Peace , Joy , Love and Family .
And so beau�ful people of God , let ’ s focus our a�en�on on all of the beauty of The Lord and marvel at His goodness and declare to the high heavens … THANK YOU LORD … IT IS INDEED A WONDERFUL LIFE !
Blessings and Love ,
Najiyyah Brooks Brooks Media Group / DIVA Zone Magazine