Diva Zone ™ Magazine DZ 2018 Holiday Issue - E-Magazine | Page 4

4 Diva Zone Magazine It’s A Wonderful Life... By Najiyyah Brooks, CEO/Founding Publisher Editorial Director Greetings Kings of Valor and Queens of Virtue I speak blessings of life, abundance and increase into your spirits In The Name of Jesus! Lift up your heads O you gates and be lifted up you everlasting doors and the King of Glory SHALL come in! Psalm 24:9. Oh, I know the last few years have been challenging for many of us as we have weathered the storm of a crippled - yet recovering - economy and seek to walk in the peace and joy of our salvation regardless of what we see. Some of us lost jobs and homes, cars were repossessed, family members battled illnesses, God called some loved ones Home to be with Him, marriages were hit by fi nancial and fi delity issues and the list goes on and on…BUT GOD! As we celebrate yet another Holiday Season this year I challenge you to embrace all of the beauty in life. Too often we focus on what’s going wrong and we don’t celebrate what is being KEPT together by GOD Himself and even prospering… if only we would take the time to center our minds and hearts on how marvelous, loving, understanding, forgiving and merciful God is to us in the midst of it all. Jesus assured us that there would be trouble, but He also encouraged us not to fret because He has overcome the world! OH HALLELUJAH! This Holiday Season I challenge all of the Saints of God to WALK in JOY, PEACE and LOVE NO MATTER WHAT! We have the power of Christ Jesus Himself inside of us. We have the power to change the atmosphere and the CHOICE to be free even when all the natural eye can see is pain and bondage. No money this year for gifts? That’s okay…now maybe we can focus on the real meaning for the season; The Birth of Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus! Get together with the family starting with Thanksgiving and just love on each other…play games, watch movies, cook a nice meal, combine resources, have family sleep-overs, and any other fun and beautiful festive activity that you can do without an overflow of cash. Furthermore, I challenge you, even if you DO have an overflow of money, to focus on these cost eff ective and God centering activities and show the little ones what Christ looks like here in the earth. LOVE, PEACE, JOY is the very character of Christ…He made Himself who was rich to become poor and dwell among us! This Holiday issue of The DIVA Zone™ Magazine focuses on the simple things that make our lives and our holidays beautiful; things that money cannot buy like Peace, Joy, Love and Family. PHOTOGRAPHED: NAJIYYAH BROOKS, PUBLISHER AND HER BEAUTIFUL MOM, MONICA BROOKS. And so beautiful people of God, let’s focus our attention on all of the beauty of The Lord and marvel at His goodness and declare to the high heavens…THANK YOU LORD…IT IS INDEED A WONDERFUL LIFE!