Diva Zone ™ Magazine 2019 Holiday Issue - The DIVA Zone Magazine | Page 7
2019 Special Holiday Edition
Typical sources of
“Holiday Sadness” or
Blues include:
Stress, Fatigue,
Unrealistic Expectations
(physically, emotionally, and
fi nancially) Financial Stress
Lonliness and Isolation
Additional Tips:
Live in the moment and enjoy the present
Find holiday activities that are free
Make time Keep track of your spending
Try something new; create new traditions
Reach out and make new friends
any of us begin to anticipate, for one
reason or another, the holiday season
long before it arrives. Some may look
forward to the traditional festivities that come
with the season and others may dread the season
for the same reason, or lack thereof. In any case
holiday depression and seasonal disorders, are
very real conditions, that should not be ignored
or swept under the rug. Taking time to address the
causes of the sadness is very important and may
even stretch beyond the holiday season.
by bringing things into perspective.
Another significant contribution to holiday
stress and depression is feeling overwhelmed.
This is a symptom of either over extending
ourselves, or not having an organized approach.
Both symptoms can be handled through a
holiday calendar. Organize your plans and events
in a calendar format, being sure to add regular
life activities first, including rest and sleep, and
then fill in the gaps with holiday plans. If there
is not room to schedule an activity, politely
A key factor in avoiding sadness is having decline. You cannot squeeze 30 hours into a 24-
balance during the season. Balance begins with hour day, no matter how hard you try.
purpose. Why are you trying to do what you are
Finally, have realistic expectations and, if you
doing? Are you celebrating the birth of our Lord,
have children, teach them realistic expectations.
or are you trying to impress everyone and make
Having unrealistic expectations of what can be
everyone happy? The ultimate gift was given to
accomplished, purchased, given or received,
us that evening in Bethlehem; no greater gift can
can open us and our families up to lots of
be found in a store. Showing the love of Christ
unnecessary hurt and drama; that will reach far
to family and friends should not drive you to
beyond the holiday season.
insanity. Find a way to balance the season, begin