Diva Zone ™ Magazine 2019 Holiday Issue - The DIVA Zone Magazine | Page 33
2019 Special Holiday Edition
Christmas is the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus,
the Messiah. However, this religious holiday that is central
to Christianity has become secular, overly-centered on
shopping, and no longer about Jesus’ birth. Below are
easy ways to decorate your home for Christmas while
keeping your focus on the reason for the season – Jesus.
Christmas Tree & Nativity Scene
Although the evergreen tree – an ancient symbol of undying life in
the midst of winters – has traditionally been used to celebrate winter
festivals, the evergreen Christmas tree has come to symbolize our hope
in Christ and the gift of eternal life. Hang candy canes among tinsel and
twinkling string lights on the tree for a playful touch that hearkens back
to childhood and place a star at the top of the tree to symbolize the
Star of David. Include angels and other tangible reminders of the reason
for the season. Of course the nativity scene is an excellent reminder of
why we celebrate Christmas. It also makes a great centerpiece on your
coffee table or fi replace mantel.
Red & Green
Red and green symbolize various Christian concepts and are the
traditional colors of Christmas. So, get creative. Tie red or green bows
around doorknobs around the house. You can even attach little bells to
the one bow around your front door. (I wouldn’t recommend putting
bells on other doorknobs as that might become annoying). Set red and
green candles on your bookshelves and tables, and add matching table
runners or linens for extra style points.
Plants & Fireplaces
No plant says Christmas like the beautiful poinsettia – also called the
“Christmas Star.” Poinsettias continue the red and green color scheme
and add to your bright, festive look! Place one or two in the foyer, living
room or by the fi replace. To add sparkle to the fi replace mantel add a
traditional string of cranberries, miniature pears and pomegranates.
Christmas Wreathes & Candles
Christmas Wreathes & Candles. Circular in shape, a wreath represents
eternity. For Christians, wreathes represent an unending circle of life.
Like the Christmas tree, using an evergreen wreath symbolizes both
growth and life everlasting. A door wreath also will make your home
look welcoming to guests. Finally, for a simple, yet beautiful way to
decorate for Christmas, place an electric candle in each front window
of the house and turn them on at night for all to see.