Diva Zone ™ Magazine 2019 Holiday Issue - The DIVA Zone Magazine | Page 31

2019 Special Holiday Edition Networking can serve as a life- line to your business, product or service. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you network professionally during this holiday season! 3. COMMIT TO MEETING AT LEAST 3 PEOPLE. Determine to reach out to others at the events. Maybe you are slightly introverted. No problem. A good conversation 1. COMMIT TO starter could be, “Hello…my NETWORKING! name is_____________.You Make a commitment to attend look like someone I need to a few networking events this meet.” holiday season, because it 4. BRING BUSINESS CARDS allows you to come into contact AND A PEN! with people you don’t generally Whether you hand out a card get a chance to meet and or receive one, take a second to can serve as a life-line to your write a note on the back, either business. to jog the person’s memory 2. BE CHOOSY ABOUT THE INVITES YOU ACCEPT. Pour over invites, and make sure the events you attend either relate to your industry or an industry you are trying to connect with. 31 that you are not distracted from meeting that prospective client. 6. BE MEMORABLE! Look fabulous!Smile. Remember that perception is everything. When a person is speaking with you, make eye contact. Be attentive and ask thoughtful questions. 7. TIMELY FOLLOW-UP. If you get an email address, send them a friendly note to let them know you’ll be in touch after the holidays. 8. HAVE FUN! though you are of you, or to remind you of the Even networking to rub elbows with person you received one from. fellow industry leaders and 5. NO CLINGING TO perspective clients, don’t forget FRIENDS! to have fun. After all, “tis the If you attend an event with a season to be jolly!” friend, give each other space so