Diva Zone ™ Magazine 2019 Holiday Issue - The DIVA Zone Magazine | Page 19
2019 Special Holiday Edition
here is a vast difference
between alone and
loneliness. Loneliness
can mean different
things to different people. It is an
emotional state. Loneliness often
leads to self-destructive behavior;
such as overeating, alcoholism ,drug
hopelessness and despair. I convinced
myself that no one understood how I
was feeling. As Luther Vandross said,
“loneliness is a sad affair.” Have you
ever been around family and friends
and still felt lonely? I have. Most of
my adult life was spent in loneliness,
which is why I was depressed most of
the time; and the behaviors I stated
above knew me by my first name. I
read a quote from Mark Twain once
and it said “the worst loneliness is
not to be comfortable with yourself.”
I didn’t love myself and I was bound
by despair.
The good news is I’m no longer
there! Alone is a healthy emotion;
I choose to be alone. It’s a place of
rest. In the solitude, GOD confronts
the “me in me.”’ I get to commune
with my GOD on levels I could have
never dreamed of. This is where I’m
being healed and made whole so that
I can live the abundant life CHRIST
Being alone without being lonely
happened for me when I began to
discover I like being with me. I enjoy
the solitude and I’m comfortable
with it. I reflect and meditate without
having to explain or apologize. Being
alone with GOD gives birth to the
gift of contentment; and I’m content
to appreciate what GOD has already
done for me. Sometimes it’s like a
What blessed assurance. I am never alone!
retreat. I go for long walks in
the park; or even to the beach
alone, and I have the peace that
surpasses all understanding;
because I’m grateful for
the freedom JESUS gives
me. In my solitude I seek
GOD for the answers of my
many questions concerning
my life; and wait patiently
for the answers. There are
times when I reach out to
help others and I volunteer
my time. I fi nd this most
rewarding and it also keeps
me focused on the real reason
I’m here. I’d like to share one
of my favorite scriptures with
you from Romans 8:38-39; the
WORD of GOD reads, For I am
convinced that neither death
nor life, neither angels nor
demons, neither present nor
the future, nor any powers
neither height, nor depth,
nor anything in all creation
will be able to separate us
from the love of GOD that is
in Christ Jesus our Lord.