DIVA August 2013 | Page 19

the stress mixed with a complete lack of sleep from work which caused this stress, AND a bad habit of overanalyzing - I created a huge mess. I nearly lost what is dear to me and if i hadn't taken a step back and called a few friends and family, I probably would have lost my boyfriend. I asked for what I thought was the worst excuse ever in a relationship: a break. Worst idea ever at the time. I couldnt leave. But my boyfriend, gotta love him, told me to leave with a confused look on his face. 30 minutes later I call him and tell him that I'm ready to come back. And that I pretty much realized what has been bothering me. All this time it was my job creating a huge amount of stress and lack of sleep. And lack of sleep just heightens my emotions like a giant hormonal pregnant woman. Had I listened to my boyfriend months ago, I'd probably not have started a mess. And no, it's not over yet. As if I havent rambled enough, there is most definitely more. I return home to a boyfriend you cant look me directly in my eye. Cant kiss me. Yep, I deserved this ladies. The next day I go apply to another job - long story, not relevent. On the way back home I call my boyfriend who is at Starbucks. I stop by Walmart and get a couple pizzas and his favorite treat - OREOS. So i arrive home and start to pick up the room. All excited and waiting for him to return. I get this text message about 2 hours later asking for a break. Yes, another break. Crying, I grab my clothes, which I had already unpacked from the previous night, and leave. Well, to cut everything short - the breaks happened to be the best thing we had ever done. Because had we not taken a break, we would have never realized how much we loved each other. Putting your relationship to the test and pretty much seeing whats at risk really does a number. But the bottom line is this - Do what makes you happy and do not, I repeat, DO NOT overanalyze!