DIVA August 2013 | Page 14

When creating this magazine i decided to interview one of my most used models. Dig a little deeper and find out who she really is. Aside from doing these fun little shoots, Jessica really is balancing a crazy life of following her dreams.

DFP: What would you do if you were offered a full time modeling job?

JESSICA: I wouldn't take it. I feel like i would have a better chance in the nursing field. Besides, I feel better doing it with you.

DFP: What makes the experience worth it?

JESSICA: I get free photos done. I don't know. People see me and immediately say "oh i saw you on facebook!" It's an amazing feeling.

DFP: What shoot would you say was your best?

JESSICA: I'd have to go with the fourth of July one. I wore plain clothes and makeup and I felt beautiful. People complimented me on the shoot as well. I say job well done!

DFP: What about your worst shoot?

JESSICA: That ones easy. The first shoot. I had never met you before. I was so nervous. You can see the lack of confidence in all of the shots. After a while i did grow used to the camera though.

DFP: How would you describe the experience?

JESSICA: I would describe the experience as once in a lifetime! I'm really lucky to have a friend like you. We work well together. It's a great way to express myself. I love every moment of it.

DFP: Now lets get a little personal. What are your passions?

JESSICA: I'm actually not very passionate about anything right now. I haven't got the time. Studying, if that counts!

DFP: Who is you celebrity crush and why?

JESSICA: Johnny Depp because, ummm, Johnny Depp. Duh!

DFP: If you could walk the shoes of anyone, famous or not, who's would it be and why?

JESSICA: Lady Gaga to see what crazy shit she is doing with her life. If i did half of the things she does everyone would wonder what is wrong with me. She gets away with alot!

DFP: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

JESSICA: I see myself with my family and husband. And

Behind the Beauty

by Drake Faulk