Belly up to the bar everyone!
Good, now that I have everyone’s attention I have some favors to ask. When we gather together from time to time it seems as if someone is always telling a story about an event in our past where NUCA, NUCA of Florida, or their local chapter helped them out. We need to collect some of those stories for use as ammunition for recruiting new members. Please submit any and all stories you can think of and we will put the best ones in future issues of the Ditchmen.
Please remember to do business with NUCA members and when you find yourself doing business with a non-member, help us recruit them as members by sending us their contact information and a little blurb about your relationship with them. There is definitely strength in numbers so we need to increase ours.
Did anyone have a chance to visit their local legislator this past month? If you did, drop us a quick note and let us know about the visit. We are looking for some rising stars out there to hook our wagon to.
What is the top legislative issue in your chapter? As we approach the next session and our “Walk the Halls” event, we need to focus on the legislative issues that are both important to our members and that we can have an impact on. Submit your issues and any information you have about them.
Please send all comments or information to Kari at [email protected] or me [email protected].
Tom Woodward
President's Message
Tom Woodward