President’s Message
President Jordan Lee,
Utility Service Company
I’m glad to see everyone has made it through the summer and is transitioning to fall and
winter. What a wonderful time to be in the state-the leaves are turning a slightly darker
shade of green, the snow flurries are only found at the mall, the snowbirds flock down
here to see the season change-and election season is here.
So to start things off, I’d like to give a big thanks to the gold committee and Wilson
& Associates for doing a great job on the Presidents Cup. It was a great time and an
excellent course. This is the perfect time to get more involved with NUCA of Florida
and your local chapter. So the election is kind of over as I write this, the machine
recount is due later in the week, which will more than likely be followed by a hand
recount. Listen South Florida-y’all need to tighten up....
We have a few events coming up. In late February there is the ASJ Memorial Bass
Tournament held on the north end of Lake O this year-new venue, new winner-
maybe even some bigger shiners to get the job done! One thing is for certain, it’s
a great time with a bunch of great people. The even better part is that by entering
you: #1 help the association by boosting the tournament entries, and #2 you allow
for more money to be given out for the ASJ Scholarship. Have your kids or any of
your employees who have senior high school kids, or college- aged kids filled out
an application for the scholarship? If not you’re missing a great opportunity. This year
we are adding a vocational/technical school application and scholarship.
In late March we have NUCA of Florida Legislative Days in Tallahassee. This is your
chance to walk the halls with other members of the association to meet with and
talk face to face with your politicians. This is where the rubber meets the road as
far as what this association does, and you help drive it. Please be sure to visit the
website and look under events for the sign up. On both the bass tournament and
the legislative days, if you are unable to attend, we would still love the support as a
In late March
we have NUCA
of Florida
Legislative Days
in Tallahassee.
This is your
chance to walk
the halls with
other members
of the association
to meet with
and talk face to
face with your
politicians. This is
where the rubber
meets the road
as far as what this
association does,
and you help
drive it.
On that note, please make it a point at every chance you can, to thank the
representatives from the companies who do sponsor the NUCA events on all levels.
Do your part as a member to do business with fellow members and boost one
another up. Not only is it a way to say thanks for supporting the cause, but it makes
for a stronger association!
I’m rambling enough-go out, put some pipe in the ground, and I guess get yourself
a pumpkin spice latte or something-just don’t forget your sweater, I’d hate for y’all
to get cold!
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