From the time we are children on we clamor to gain the attention of whoever is in charge so as to get our share of the dessert, or have the group do the activity we want to do, or have mom make our favorite dinner, or dad build a fort for us, or the State revise their specification, or the City come up with more reasonable bid procedures.
When we go it alone, we are but one voice. NUCA of Florida, when we all work together toward a common goal, is a very powerful voice. The only voices we hear are those who participate. Please make the commitment to become more active in your association this year. Attend your chapter meetings, come to the State Board meetings, come join us walk the halls in Tallahassee.
President's Message
Tom Woodward
Take advantage of another opportunity and volunteer to join our now forming legislative committee. We are looking for people interested in helping us form long and short term plans for how we want to impact the legislative process not only this year but for years to come. There are many issues that will be acted upon by our legislators whether we act or not. If we fail to act, we cannot complain when they make a mess of things.
Just one of the issues out there is revisions to the Sunshine One Call to provide for more reporting of incidents and enforcement of the law. Do nothing and we will find ourselves 5-10 years down the road burdened with more bureaucracy and subject to fines or jail time when our crews strike a utility. Get involved and maybe we can push to get the reporting made easier, the enforcement to include those who are causing most of the damage, maybe even get the law changed so we can be compensated more easily for damage to our equipment or down time for our crews caused by utilities not properly located.
What is your issue? The only way we will know is if you tell us. Come join us in Tallahassee or volunteer to be on the legislative committee so you are one of those setting our direction for the coming years. Make yourself heard.
Tom Woodward
We all want to be heard.