President’s Message
President Mike Kivlin,
John Woody, Inc.
Dear Friends: I hope everyone is happy, healthy and doing well! I’m excited and
looking forward to starting my tenure as President of NUCA of FL and will do my
absolute best to represent you all well.
I’d like to start out by saying thank you to Jordan Lee for his dedication and service
as President over the past 2 years. We are in a much better place as an organization
due to his leadership. I can only hope to live up to the example that he has set. A
big thanks is also owed to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
We are very well represented by a hard-working group who care enormously
about our industry. I’d also like to thank Kari, Scott, and Alex for their dedication and
lobbying efforts on our behalf. Last, but not least, thank you to all of our members
and sponsors. You are what makes this organization great!
One of the things that I enjoy so much about NUCA of Florida is how well everybody
works together. We are all competitors, but we are all partners when it comes to
common goals of the industry. As long as we continue to work together on achieving
common goals, there is nothing that we can’t accomplish. This is what makes us
strong as an organization. I intend to continue our efforts in working with 811 to
make for a safer working environment for all of us. It will take a team effort to come
up with a bill that is fair and equitable for all parties involved, but I believe that it is
achievable. Something that I want to encourage each chapter to do on an individual
basis, is to reach out to your local municipalities. Introduce yourselves, invite them
to NUCA events, and get to know the people involved. Developing a working
relationship with them is crucial. Here in Northeast Florida, our local municipality
released new specifications at the start of 2019 that would have been burdensome
and hindered local development. Because NUCA of NF had made time to visit with
some of the Directors and Vice Presidents multiple times during 2018, we were
able to partner with them in coming up with solutions to problems that they were
having, while halting the implementation of the burdensome specifications. It has
been a long process, but it was all made possible by simply reaching out.
That leads me to my next point. If you, your company, or any of your members are
dealing with any sort of difficult situation, NUCA of FL can’t help if you don’t reach
out. Do not hesitate to reach out to myself, Kari, or any of our members. If there is a
way for us to help, we will do the best that we can to assist you.
“Because NUCA
of NF had made
time to visit with
some of the
Directors and
Vice Presidents
multiple times
during 2018,
we were able
to partner with
them in coming
up with solutions
to problems
that they were
having, while
halting the
of the
We’ve got a great Conference line up for you all this year. If you haven’t already, be
sure to register and book your rooms before it’s too late! See you at the Wyndham
Grand in Clearwater Beach!
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