NUCA President presents in the FEPA
Damage Prevention Summit
The Florida Energy Pipeline Association (FEPA) hosted a damage prevention summit on December 8th in Orlando.
The FEPA represents energy transmission pipeline operators and firms providing professional services to those operators in Florida. FEPA was established in 1989 to:
1) Provide members with information and education on issues of
common concern such as pipeline safety and integrity, environmental
stewardship, regulatory efficiency and landowner relations.
2) Promote the safety, environmental and economic benefits of
pipeline transportation within the state of Florida.
3) Build a positive identity for the pipeline industry in Florida
4) Provide timely and useful information to members regarding the
activities and actions of local, state and federal legislative and
regulatory agencies and other relevant groups.
David Parham, Chairman, FEPA Board of Directors, invited a conversation with Annmarie Robertson, U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA); Tom Woodward, President, NUCA of Florida ; Tom Byron, FDOT, Office of the State Highway Engineer/Chief Engineer; Mark Sweet, Executive Director, Sunshine 811; and Dale Calhoun, Executive Director, Florida Natural Gas Association on issues and concerns specific to energy pipeline damage prevention. The panel discussion was moderated by Sandra Panos, TECO Peoples Gas, Damage Prevention & Recovery.
Among the many topics discussed was the PHMSA issuance of a final rule to establish the process for evaluating State excavation damage prevention programs and enforcing Federal standards in States where such requirements are inadequate or do not exist.
FEPA will convene a second Damage Prevention summit in March to continue the conversation on the PHMSA rule and current damage prevention protocols in Florida.