Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida January 2019 | Page 15

Second, our personality constrains our ability to change, setting the limits to our likelihood of replacing old habits with new ones. As large-scale scientific studies have shown, our predispositions don’t change much. This is why we are rarely surprised when we meet people we have not seen in 10 or 20 years, like at high school reunions. Their physical appearance may have changed– sometimes dramatically–but their attitudes, style, and values tend to remain pretty fixed. to environments decreases our ability (and willingness) to change. The psychological term for this is niche-picking, and it speaks to a reciprocal relationship between our habits and the challenges and problems that benefit from them. Sociable people will seek social situations where their ability to interact with others is a natural adaptation. These situations will in turn reward and enhance their sociability. This creates a snowball effect that makes it less and less appealing (and adaptive) for them to spend time on their own. By the same token, people who are naturally more introverted will tend to avoid situations of rich social interaction, preferring instead to spend time on their own (reading, thinking, watching movies). This, in turn, will enhance their ability to adapt to solitary environments while reducing their ability to interact with strangers. Because these mechanisms are in place from a very early age, the longer we wait to try to break these cycles, the harder it is to break them. This is not to say that people can’t change, but they either become exaggerated versions of their earlier selves, or follow a common maturity curve that makes them less open to new experiences, more conservative, and more conscientious (think: becoming more boring versions of ourselves). For all the hype about grit and growth mindset as catalysts of change, there is little scientific evidence to show that we can actually boost people’s grit or growth mindset beyond their personal default level. Rather, these qualities behave much like other personality traits, so they are found in different degrees in different people. Paradoxically, a growth mindset is more fixed than dynamic. Changing and becoming a better version of ourselves is possible. But that change is going to be hardest when we are not truly committed and when it involves going against our nature. A hack Last, but not least, we all strive to make our environments as predictable and Changing and unthreatening as possible. The mere thought of change is threatening and frightening, becoming a better which is why we gravitate toward the familiar version of ourselves and are generally happier with the devil we know. This may sound counterintuitive in an is possible. age that glorifies disruptive rule breakers with no tolerance for boredom and routine, but it is still the reality for most people. And that’s okay. Life is complex enough to abandon that promises to help us can’t when it depends the possibility of controlling and managing some on us having to unlearn our deep-rooted patterns of its elements, and the more predictable most of adapting. That’s why playing to our strengths is things are, the more freedom we have to pursue much easier, to the point of not requiring much innovation and change in others. effort at all. It’s a bit like being asked to start next year by being ourselves. However, there is also a cost to this. We become increasingly programmed to behave in more similar ways, and our growing ability to adapt • • • SOURCE: https://www.fastcompany.com/90276565/science-explains-why-productivity-hacks-and-resolutions-are-practically-destined-to-fail JANUARY 2019 • DITCHMEN 13