President’s Message
President Jordan Lee,
Utility Service Company
Well ladies and gentlemen-I come to you with my hat in hand. I’d like to
apologize to everyone except for Ashley Woodall and any other Clemson fans
(you get to enjoy it for a year, but don’t get used to it). I now remember the feeling
of what it’s like to have your football team get destroyed. It’s ok-all of us Alabama
fans will survive but I’ll ask Nick Saban to be a little more gentle when we are
winning next year.
Ok-now that that’s over, let’s talk business.
The ASJ Bass Tournament - Please, at the very least be a sponsor. This is the
funding mechanism for the scholarship program. Scott Johnson loves giving
out money to these kids to get them through college, and hopefully into the
construction industry, but in order to do that we have to make money. Speaking
of making money, if you participate and sign up to fish the event, they help out
the association based off a percentage of the entries. If you like to have fun, you’re
welcome to join the party! If you don’t, I would highly suggest you don’t enter. It’s
a weekend of great people, good fishing, and even better times.
...I’ll leave you
with a quote that
never comes up
short, “as with
get out what
you put in.” The
more involved
you are with
NUCA of Florida
and your local
chapter the more
you’ll get out.
Who likes to party?
The #1 party town in Florida is Tallahassee. The Legislative Days are coming up,
and we like to get down more than anyone. While we do have a really good time,
we get a ton of business done at this meeting and we also meet with a handful of
legislators at the meetings, walk the halls and inform them of our issues while at
the Capitol, and meet with them at the socials.
I hope that you’ll come spend a little time with us at both events. I promise you
that neither event will disappoint, you’ll meet some new people, and will have a
much stronger bond to NUCA of Florida.
In closing I’ll leave you with a quote that never comes up short, “as with anything-
you get out what you put in.” The more involved you are with NUCA of Florida and
your local chapter the more you’ll get out.
Please remember to strive to do business with your fellow members, try to give
them preference, and try to invite someone new to every meeting or event you can.
Thank y’all as always!
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