President’s Message
President Jordan Lee,
Utility Service Company
The groundhog up north didn’t see its shadow so they say Spring is going
to be here early. With the spring comes new birth, and a new beginning. Take a
look at what makes your business a success. I can guarantee that there is at least
one part of doing business that holds you back, and part that helps you. That
part is legislation. As we all know there’s good and bad legislation. We recently
fought the subset trenchless license again, and we defeated it again since there
is already a license that allows you to perform trenchless work. Another piece of
legislation is Davis Bacon. Like unions, it had its place as was a good thing, but
much like a union, it is useless now and creates a riff in a company. It was set forth
to level the playing field for contractors coming from the south and working in
the north. The northerners couldn’t compete with the lower cost labor from the
south so Mr. Davis and Mr. Bacon brought forth the legislation to level the field.
Unfortunately, it is now a burden on the contractor industries. I don’t think you’ll
find anyone paying super low wages, but what you will find is super inflated pay
rates that just cost the taxpayers more in the end, and there is no value in it. I can
go on for a while on that subject.
While we’re on legislation, we’re working on a few pieces. One in particular will
help to level the playing field on owner performance. How many times have
you seen a municipality self-perform a project and justify it by saying they did
it cheaper than any contractor could have. They had fifteen people out there,
equipment and material. Had you done it, there would have been five people and
would have been done by a licensed contractor. We’re working on leveling the
playing field by making them report on their labor and equipment rental since
now that’s what they don’t count so it makes them look cheaper.
“We need to be
able to help
out the people
that are working
with us, and
that comes
as political
Please help
out with
the political
committee, any
size donation
This work comes at a cost. We need to be able to help out the people that are
working with us, and that comes as political donations. Please help out with the
political committee, any size donation helps! We have multiple avenues, Bidding
for Benjamin’s, a check, or we can invoice you. Just help make your voice heard!
In the mean time, be getting ready to shake some hands and talk in Tallahassee!
I can’t wait to see you all there!
Thank y’all as always!
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