Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - September 2023 | Page 19

years ,” said Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez . “ Today ’ s award to Miami- Dade College will help ensure that the local workforce is prepared to meet the needs of tomorrow ’ s industries .”
“ Thanks to Governor DeSantis ’ bold economic vision for Florida ’ s economy , Florida residents have more access to dynamic workforce training that translate to long-term growth ," said Secretary of Commerce J . Alex Kelly . “ CTI will simultaneously provide opportunities for Floridians and help meet the needs of our state ’ s competitive industries — a true win-win for job seekers and job creators .”
This award follows more than $ 142 million awarded through the Job Growth Grant Fund since 2019 for projects that focus on rapidly developing a highly skilled workforce and on infrastructure initiatives that attract businesses , create jobs , and promote economic growth .
The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund is an economic development program designed to promote public infrastructure and workforce training across the state . Proposals are reviewed by FloridaCommerce and are chosen by Governor DeSantis to meet the demands for workforce training or infrastructure needs in communities around the state .
FloridaCommerce is currently accepting proposals until all funding has been awarded . For more information , visit www . FloridaJobs . org / JobGrowth .