Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - September 2021 | Page 5

President ’ s Message

Let ’ s Get Things Done
I hope the last month has treated everyone well . We continue to operate in very interesting times . There are labor shortages , equipment shortages , material shortages , packed schedules-- all while dealing with the ongoing effects of the pandemic and its multiple waves . There are many aspects of our business that we don ’ t have the ability to effectuate change . Here at NUCA of Florida our main goal as a statewide organization is to fight for our industry and community through legislative and regulatory efforts . We as an organization have an excellent track record of accomplishing positive change to the legislative issues that affect us negatively . This is an area in which we can be effective .
Legislative committees are in back in session . My challenge to all Chapters this month is to speak to your members and come up with two items that we can address in the legislative process . They can be anything , ranging from our inability to pass along force majeure clauses to our government contracts or the continued limiting of our Utility contractor ’ s license . This is the time of year where we can bring these issues up to the legislators to formulate plans for change . NUCA of FL provides a unique opportunity to discuss problems and issues in our industry with somebody familiar with our specifics ; however , doing so without the fear of giving your secrets away to your competition .
I encourage you to reach out to fellow members and discuss challenges that can be overcome with the legislative process . Pass them along to you executive directors , call Kari Hebrank , call me ! Our job is to promote and fight for each member and their issues that impact and can improve our industry . Another way we can be more effective in doing this is through a strategic planning process . NUCA of FL has prioritized strategic planning for the future and we are setting up specific meetings to discuss just that .]
In the coming months we are organizing dedicated meetings to set out a road map to continue to move NUCA of FL forward . We have a great mix of “ young blood ” and seasoned individuals that have a wide base of knowledge that can be focused into the priorities that will provide maximum benefit to our industry and our members . So , I guess you have two challenges this month . Start thinking about what YOU believe is the most important direction for our fine organization to move in while continuing to fight for our industry on a legislative level . We only have a few months left until Legislative Days ! Onward ,
Clark Cryer , President NUCA of Florida