Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - September 2021 | Page 21

Your Industry Needs You in D . C .

November 2 – 3 , 2021

Infrastructure is at the top of Congress ’ s to-do list this session . This fall , we need NUCA members to seal the deal .
Come to Washington , D . C . and meet in-person with your lawmakers for our Fall Washington Summit to let your lawmakers know that infrastructure must be their Top Job for you and their constituents . $ 170 billion for water and wastewater projects is on the table , and billions more for new broadband infrastructure .
Day One ( Tuesday , Nov . 2 ): Evening reception with National Partners .
Day Two ( Wednesday , Nov . 3 ): Breakfast briefing with key legislators , in-person meetings on Capitol Hill , and NUCA ’ s Legislative Reception in the evening .
Your industry needs you on Capitol Hill this fall — please join us !
Registration and hotel information : nuca . com / summit
But funding is just the beginning . We ’ re also going to Congress to advocate for more workforce development programs to help meet our industry ’ s labor needs today and tomorrow .
WeDigAmerica . org | # NUCASummit