Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • September 2017 | Page 9
10. If a worker is not alert
or seems confused, this
may be heat stroke. Call 911
complete list of symptoms
for both heat exhaustion and
heat stroke may be found on
OSHA’s webpage on Heat-
related Illness and First Aid.
related Illness and First Aid.
1. False. OSHA materials
emphasize the need of plenty
of fresh water, but also the
need to periodic rests in the
shade in extreme heat. There
is also evidence that workers
may be more vulnerable
to heat exhaustion when
returning from an extended
period away from work or
working out of the heat.
2. False. OSHA’s Daily
Checklist includes making
sure plenty of fresh water is
available throughout the day
and that shaded areas are
available during breaks, but
it also recommends making
sure everyone knows the
signs of heat exhaustion and
heat stroke, who to notify
during an emergency, and
how to provide first aid.
3. True. Heat Stroke is
considered a medical
emergency that can result in
death. It is the most serious
form of heat-related illness
and occurs when the body
becomes unable to regulate
core temperature. Signs
include confusion, loss of
consciousness, and seizures.
Heat exhaustion is the body’s
response to loss of water and
salt from heavy sweating.
Signs include headache,
nausea, dizziness, heavy
sweating. Other forms of
heat-related illness are heat
cramps and heat rash. A
4. True. OSHA material
recommends drinking small
amounts of water every 15
minutes in extreme heat
rather than larger amounts of
water less frequently. It is also
recommended that workers
drink water before work to
hydrate and after work to
5. False. It is recommended
hydrating often throughout
the work day. It is also
important to note that
workers when in hot weather
should avoid relying on sodas
or drinks with caffeine to
6. True. The workplace
protocol should include
immediately notifying the
supervisor if a worker is
experiencing heat exhaustion
or heat stroke. The protocol
should also include moving
the person to a cooler place
to rest in the shade, and
having someone stay with
that person. Give the person
water little by little, loosen
clothing and remove outer
clothing, and help cool the
person down by fanning,
using ice packs or soaking
clothing with cool water.
8. True. Heat stroke can be
life threatening. Its symptoms
can be one or more of the
following: confusion, fainting,
seizures, excessive sweating
or red, hot dry skin, and very
high body temperature.
9. False. For heat exhaustion,
it is recommended that the
worker not return to work that
day and that if symptoms
worsen or do not improve
within 60 minutes, the worker
should be taken to a clinic or
emergency room for medical
10. True. This is true on both
counts. First, lack of alertness
or confusion can be indicators
of heat stroke. Second, if heat
stroke is suspected, always
call 911.
There’s an app for that! You
may download an Android
and iPhone compatible
app developed by OSHA,
the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention and
the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and
• • •
7. False. These are among the
symptoms of heat exhaustion.
A complete list of symptoms
for both heat exhaustion and
heat stroke may be found on
OSHA’s webpage on Heat-