Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • September 2017 | Page 14
Annual Workers’
Compensation Rate Filing
The Office of Insurance
Regulation has received
the 2018 Florida workers’
compensation rate filing
by the National Council
on Compensation
Insurance (NCCI), which
proposes a statewide
average premium
decrease of 9.6%. This
includes a statewide
average rate decrease
of 9.3% and a reduction
of the fixed expense
cost applicable to every
workers’ compensation
policy in Florida from
$200 to $160. The new
rates would become
effective January 1, 2018.
As always, the Office
will review the filing to
ensure the proposed
changes are not
excessive, inadequate,
or unfairly discriminatory
and evaluate its potential
effects on the insurance
marketplace and
employers, who are
required by law to carry
this insurance on their
employees. A public
rate hearing will be
conducted in October.
NCCI is a licensed rating
organization authorized
to make rate filings
on behalf of workers’
compensation insurance
companies in Florida.
For more information
about the filing, read the
NCCI press statement.
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