Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • September 2016 | Page 21
a section authorizing
WaterSense. That bill is being
harmonized with similar
legislation passed by the
House of Representatives
before it seeks President
Obama’s signature.
“After years of working
with Congress to officially
authorize the hugely popular
EPA WaterSense program,
it seems we are now on the
cusp of victory,” Hansen
said. “With the House of
Representatives already
looking to vote on WRDA,
and with the broad support
for the provisions in the
Senate version, this could be
the year we see WaterSense
solidified in statute.”
IAPMO R&T is a leading
provider of WaterSense
product certification in the
nation and has been a U.S.
EPA licensed provider,
accredited by the American
National Standards Institute
(ANSI), since 2007, certifying
the first high-efficiency toilet
(HET) to the standard in
April of that year. To date,
IAPMO R&T, part of The
IAPMO Group, has certified
thousands of such waterefficient products to the
WaterSense specifications.
protect communities from
flooding, increase our global
competitiveness, and restore
our natural treasures. This bill
also provides critical support
and reforms to help small and
disadvantaged communities
improve access to clean and
safe drinking water and to
repair aging infrastructure
that contributes to lead
contamination nationwide.
A critical component of the
bill is that we specifically
addressed the long-standing
lead contamination in
Flint. We appreciate our
colleagues in the Senate for
working collaboratively and
around the clock to get this
bill passed.”
• • •
Sens. James Inhofe (R-OK)
and Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
said in a joint statement:
“Once again Congress has
voted with broad bipartisan
support for another major
infrastructure bill. Once
law, WRDA 2016 will give
authority for the Army
Corps of Engineers to move
forward on 30 projects that
will help grow our economy,