Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - November 2022 | Page 15

species under the act . “ DEP ’ s continuing authorization of septic tank and wastewater treatment plant discharge that allows nitrogen to enter the north IRL ( Indian River Lagoon ) despite the resulting harm to manatees constitutes irreparable harm to manatees in the north IRL , in violation of the ESA ( Endangered Species Act ),” the lawsuit said .
Florida had a record 1,101 manatee deaths in 2021 , with 358 in Brevard County , according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission statistics . Through Oct . 28 , it had 726 manatee deaths this year , including 337 in Brevard County . State and federal wildlife officials took a highly unusual step last winter of feeding lettuce to manatees that congregated in warm water near a Florida Power & Light power plant in Brevard County . The feeding was designed to stave off further starvation . An October update posted on the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ’ s website said the state agency and the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service have continued a “ multifaceted investigation ” into the large numbers of deaths .
Indian River Lagoon . Other health threats , like watercraft-related injuries and cold stress , remain a concern .”
vThe Bear Warriors United lawsuit was at least the third case filed in federal court during the past year about manatee protections . One of the cases led to a settlement , announced June 1 , that requires the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service to undertake long-discussed revisions of “ critical habitat ” for manatees by Sept . 12 , 2024 . The settlement came after the Center for Biological Diversity , Defenders of Wildlife and the Save the Manatee Club filed a lawsuit against the federal agency , alleging it had not properly revised habitat designations that can help protect manatees .
Also , the three groups filed a separate lawsuit in May to try to require the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency to reengage in talks with the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service about water quality in the Indian River Lagoon . That lawsuit remains pending .
“ Like last year , carcass numbers decreased over the warmer months as manatees no longer experiencing the additional stressor of cold moved to areas where forage is more available ,” the update said . “ FWC ( Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ) researchers expect findings of chronic malnutrition in manatees to persist so long as there remains a seagrass shortage in the